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Title: Appendix 1 - Performance review of M/C faculty term appointments

Effective Date



Performance Review of M/C Faculty Term Appointments

The performance of M/C faculty serving term appointments shall be reviewed
to determine if the term should be renewed. Such reviews may be conducted
at any time during the appointment term at the discretion of the Associate
Director of Clinical Affairs, but all five year term appointments shall be
reviewed prior to the completion of the fourth year of the term.

Such reviews will be conducted by the Roswell Park Clinical Appointments
and Promotions (CAP) Committee, which will consist of seven members
appointed by the Associate Director for Clinical Affairs with concurrence
by the CEO. Members will be full-time professors or associate professors
on the RPCI faculty and will serve three year terms, renewable for one
additional consecutive three year term. Five clinical and one scientific
faculty will compose the CAP Committee.

The members of the CAP Committee will be chosen by the Associate Director
for Clinical Affairs from the following:

o Two members selected from a list of six submitted by the clinical

o Three members selected from a list of nine submitted by the medical

o One scientific member selected from a list of three submitted by the
scientific chairs.

o One chairperson selected by the Associate Director for Clinical

The operating procedures will be developed by the CAP Committee and the
Associate Director for Clinical Affairs with the approval of the RPCI CEO.
The CAP Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that only competent
and effective faculty are recommended for renewal of term appointments.

The CAP Committee shall consider in the review, the recommendation of the
appointee's Department chairperson (or the Associate Director of Clinical
Affairs if the appointee is a department chairperson) concerning the
appointee's job performance and the evaluation of the RPCI Medical Staff
Credentials committee regarding hospital privileges. The CAP Committee
shall consider job performance under the following factors:

1. the extent and quality of clinical, research, educational and
administrative activities;

2. academic and scholarly productivity as measured by the quality of
publications, success in obtaining peer-reviewed research support, and
recognition of the scientific community outside of the Institute;

3. effectiveness of interaction with other Institute departments and
disciplines that promote programs in areas of high priority to the

4. service on Institute committees, participation in community outreach
and other professional services to the community; and

5. performance in leadership roles that foster the goals of the

The Associate Director for Clinical Affairs shall solicit confidential
letters from six senior faculty, three outside the Institute and three
from within RPCI, but from departments other than the appointee's home
department, providing comments addressing the appointee's performance.
Outside letters should be from peers knowledgeable in the field of the
appointee. The CAP Committee and/or CEO may request additional outside
letters if deemed necessary. To facilitate the review, the CAP Committee
with the concurrence of the Associate Director of Clinical Affairs and at
the discretion of the CEO may waive the requirement for outside letters.

Recommendations of the CAP Committee will be made to the Associate
Director for Clinical Affairs, who will communicate in writing his
recommendations, together with the CAP Committee recommendations, to the
CEO. In cases where the CAP Committee recommends renewal of a term
appointment, the CAP Committee shall also recommend the period of the term
which may be up to five years.

To be awarded a five year term, special qualifications are required in
addition to fulfilling all criteria for the specific rank of professor.
Clinical productivity, didactic and bedside teaching, research
achievements (grant awards, investigative papers, manuscripts) and
leadership will be specifically considered along with the review factors
listed in this Appendix and five year renewals will only be awarded by
RPCI in recognition of outstanding value and contributions to RPCI.

With respect to any recommendation of the CAP Committee, the CEO may:
accept the recommendation, reject the recommendation, or modify the
recommendation. If there is no appeal as provided in this Appendix, the
CEO's decision is the final decision.

If the term appointment is not renewed, the individual may appeal to a
grievance committee which shall consist of three full-time RPCI faculty at
the professor or associate professor level who are not CAP Committee
members or members of the grievant's department. The grievance committee
shall be appointed by the CEO for three years with one renewable three
year consecutive term based on recommendations of the Associate Director
for Clinical Affairs for the purpose of hearing grievances from M/C
faculty members. The committee shall offer the grievant an opportunity to
present an oral and/or written statement that indicates why the grievant
believes that under the job performance factors his/her term appointment
should be renewed.
The committee shall meet within ten days of the appeal and hear the
concerns of the grievant. The grievance committee shall give the grievant
a specified time in which to make any oral argument at such hearing. The
grievant shall be notified at least two days in advance of the hearing of
such specified time limit. The grievant may also submit a written
statement at such hearing. Within five days after the hearing is complete,
the committee, after a secret ballot, will render its decision to the CEO
in writing, indicating the vote and outlining the reasons for the

The CEO may accept, modify or reject the decision of the grievance
committee. This decision will constitute the conclusion of the grievance


VOLUME A-2 (Title 10)
