Section 339.11 - Fees.

339.11 Fees. (a) Unless otherwise prescribed by statute, there shall be no fee charged for:

(1) inspection of records;

(2) search for records; or

(3) any certification pursuant to this Part.

(b) Unless otherwise prescribed by statute or subdivision (c) of this section, copies of records shall be provided:

(1) at a rate of 25 cents per photocopy up to 9 x 14 inches; or

Section 339.10 - Statement of disagreement by data subject.

339.10 Statement of disagreement by data subject. (a) If correction or amendment of a record or personal information is denied in whole or in part upon appeal, the determination rendered pursuant to the appeal shall inform the data subject of the right to:

(1) file with the department a statement of reasonable length setting forth the data subject's reasons for disagreement with the determination;

Section 339.9 - Appeal of denial.

339.9 Appeal of denial. (a) Any person denied access to a record or denied a request to amend or correct a record or personal information, may within 30 business days of such denial appeal such denial in writing to the privacy compliance appeals officer designated in section 339.8 of this Part.

(b) The time for deciding an appeal shall commence upon receipt of an appeal

that identifies:

(1) the date and location of a request for a record or amendment or correction of a record or personal information;

Section 339.8 - Denial of request for a record or amendment or correction.

339.8 Denial of request for a record or amendment or correction. (a) Denial of a request for records or for amendment or correction of a record or personal information shall:

(1) be in writing, explaining the reasons therefor;

(2) identify the person to whom an appeal may be directed; and

(3) explain the procedure for pursuing such appeal.

Section 339.7 - Amendment of records.

339.7 Amendment of records. Within 30 business days of a written request from a data subject for correction or amendment of a record or personal information that is reasonably described and that pertains to the data subject, the agency shall:

(a) make the amendment or correction in whole or in part and inform the data subject that, on request, such correction or amendment will be provided to any person or governmental unit to which the record or personal information has been or is disclosed pursuant to paragraphs

Section 339.6 - Requests for records.

339.6 Requests for records. (a) All requests shall be made in writing.

(b) A request shall reasonably describe the record sought. Whenever possible, the data subject should supply identifying information that assists the department in locating the record sought.

(c) Requests based upon categories of information described in a notice of a system of records or a privacy impact statement shall be deemed to reasonably describe the record sought.