Section 339.3 - Proof of identity.

339.3 Proof of identity. (a) When a request is made in person, subject to the provisions of section 339.6(a) of this Part, or when records are made available in person following a request made by mail, the department shall require appropriate identification such as a driver's license, an identifier assigned to the data subject by the department, a photograph identification or similar information that confirms that the record sought pertains to the data subject.

Section 339.2 - Privacy compliance officer; personal information procedures.

339.2 Privacy compliance officer; personal information procedures. (a) The director of Public Information and Communications is hereby designated privacy compliance officer and is responsible for ensuring that the department complies with the provisions of the Personal Privacy Protection Law and the regulations

herein and for coordinating the department's response to requests for records or amendment of records.

Section 339.1 - Purpose and scope.

Section 339.1 Purpose and scope. (a) It is the responsibility and the intent of the State Department of Social Services (hereinafter "department") to fully comply with the provisions of article 6-A of the Public Officers Law, the Personal Privacy Protection Law.

(b) The department shall maintain in its records only such personal information that is relevant and necessary to accomplish a purpose of the department that is required to be accomplished by statute or executive order, or to implement a program specifically authorized by law.